Group se_init

group se_init


typedef psa_status_t (*psa_drv_se_init_t)(psa_drv_se_context_t *drv_context, void *persistent_data, psa_key_location_t location)

A driver initialization function.

Param drv_context

[inout] The driver context structure.

Param persistent_data

[inout] A pointer to the persistent data that allows writing.

Param location

The location value for which this driver is registered. The driver will be invoked for all keys whose lifetime is in this location.


The driver is operational. The core will update the persistent data in storage.


Any other return value prevents the driver from being used in this session. The core will NOT update the persistent data in storage.

struct psa_drv_se_context_t
#include <crypto_se_driver.h>

Driver context structure.

Driver functions receive a pointer to this structure. Each registered driver has one instance of this structure.

Implementations must include the fields specified here and may include other fields.