Group se_asymmetric

group se_asymmetric

Since the amount of data that can (or should) be encrypted or signed using asymmetric keys is limited by the key size, asymmetric key operations using keys in a secure element must be done in single function calls.


typedef psa_status_t (*psa_drv_se_asymmetric_sign_t)(psa_drv_se_context_t *drv_context, psa_key_slot_number_t key_slot, psa_algorithm_t alg, const uint8_t *p_hash, size_t hash_length, uint8_t *p_signature, size_t signature_size, size_t *p_signature_length)

A function that signs a hash or short message with a private key in a secure element.

Param drv_context

[inout] The driver context structure.

Param key_slot

[in] Key slot of an asymmetric key pair

Param alg

[in] A signature algorithm that is compatible with the type of key

Param p_hash

[in] The hash to sign

Param hash_length

[in] Size of the p_hash buffer in bytes

Param p_signature

[out] Buffer where the signature is to be written

Param signature_size

[in] Size of the p_signature buffer in bytes

Param p_signature_length

[out] On success, the number of bytes that make up the returned signature value


typedef psa_status_t (*psa_drv_se_asymmetric_verify_t)(psa_drv_se_context_t *drv_context, psa_key_slot_number_t key_slot, psa_algorithm_t alg, const uint8_t *p_hash, size_t hash_length, const uint8_t *p_signature, size_t signature_length)

A function that verifies the signature a hash or short message using an asymmetric public key in a secure element.

Param drv_context

[inout] The driver context structure.

Param key_slot

[in] Key slot of a public key or an asymmetric key pair

Param alg

[in] A signature algorithm that is compatible with the type of key

Param p_hash

[in] The hash whose signature is to be verified

Param hash_length

[in] Size of the p_hash buffer in bytes

Param p_signature

[in] Buffer containing the signature to verify

Param signature_length

[in] Size of the p_signature buffer in bytes


The signature is valid.

typedef psa_status_t (*psa_drv_se_asymmetric_encrypt_t)(psa_drv_se_context_t *drv_context, psa_key_slot_number_t key_slot, psa_algorithm_t alg, const uint8_t *p_input, size_t input_length, const uint8_t *p_salt, size_t salt_length, uint8_t *p_output, size_t output_size, size_t *p_output_length)

A function that encrypts a short message with an asymmetric public key in a secure element.

Param drv_context

[inout] The driver context structure.

Param key_slot

[in] Key slot of a public key or an asymmetric key pair

Param alg

[in] An asymmetric encryption algorithm that is compatible with the type of key

Param p_input

[in] The message to encrypt

Param input_length

[in] Size of the p_input buffer in bytes

Param p_salt

[in] A salt or label, if supported by the encryption algorithm If the algorithm does not support a salt, pass NULL. If the algorithm supports an optional salt and you do not want to pass a salt, pass NULL. For PSA_ALG_RSA_PKCS1V15_CRYPT, no salt is supported.

Param salt_length

[in] Size of the p_salt buffer in bytes If p_salt is NULL, pass 0.

Param p_output

[out] Buffer where the encrypted message is to be written

Param output_size

[in] Size of the p_output buffer in bytes

Param p_output_length

[out] On success, the number of bytes that make up the returned output


typedef psa_status_t (*psa_drv_se_asymmetric_decrypt_t)(psa_drv_se_context_t *drv_context, psa_key_slot_number_t key_slot, psa_algorithm_t alg, const uint8_t *p_input, size_t input_length, const uint8_t *p_salt, size_t salt_length, uint8_t *p_output, size_t output_size, size_t *p_output_length)

A function that decrypts a short message with an asymmetric private key in a secure element.

Param drv_context

[inout] The driver context structure.

Param key_slot

[in] Key slot of an asymmetric key pair

Param alg

[in] An asymmetric encryption algorithm that is compatible with the type of key

Param p_input

[in] The message to decrypt

Param input_length

[in] Size of the p_input buffer in bytes

Param p_salt

[in] A salt or label, if supported by the encryption algorithm If the algorithm does not support a salt, pass NULL. If the algorithm supports an optional salt and you do not want to pass a salt, pass NULL. For PSA_ALG_RSA_PKCS1V15_CRYPT, no salt is supported.

Param salt_length

[in] Size of the p_salt buffer in bytes If p_salt is NULL, pass 0.

Param p_output

[out] Buffer where the decrypted message is to be written

Param output_size

[in] Size of the p_output buffer in bytes

Param p_output_length

[out] On success, the number of bytes that make up the returned output


struct psa_drv_se_asymmetric_t
#include <crypto_se_driver.h>

A struct containing all of the function pointers needed to implement asymmetric cryptographic operations using secure elements.

PSA Crypto API implementations should populate instances of the table as appropriate upon startup or at build time.

If one of the functions is not implemented, it should be set to NULL.