File sha1.h

This file contains SHA-1 definitions and functions.

The Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (SHA-1) cryptographic hash function is defined in FIPS 180-4: Secure Hash Standard (SHS).


SHA-1 is considered a weak message digest and its use constitutes a security risk. We recommend considering stronger message digests instead.



SHA-1 input data was malformed.


void mbedtls_sha1_init(mbedtls_sha1_context *ctx)

This function initializes a SHA-1 context.


SHA-1 is considered a weak message digest and its use constitutes a security risk. We recommend considering stronger message digests instead.


ctx – The SHA-1 context to initialize. This must not be NULL.

void mbedtls_sha1_free(mbedtls_sha1_context *ctx)

This function clears a SHA-1 context.


SHA-1 is considered a weak message digest and its use constitutes a security risk. We recommend considering stronger message digests instead.


ctx – The SHA-1 context to clear. This may be NULL, in which case this function does nothing. If it is not NULL, it must point to an initialized SHA-1 context.

void mbedtls_sha1_clone(mbedtls_sha1_context *dst, const mbedtls_sha1_context *src)

This function clones the state of a SHA-1 context.


SHA-1 is considered a weak message digest and its use constitutes a security risk. We recommend considering stronger message digests instead.

  • dst – The SHA-1 context to clone to. This must be initialized.

  • src – The SHA-1 context to clone from. This must be initialized.

int mbedtls_sha1_starts(mbedtls_sha1_context *ctx)

This function starts a SHA-1 checksum calculation.


SHA-1 is considered a weak message digest and its use constitutes a security risk. We recommend considering stronger message digests instead.


ctx – The SHA-1 context to initialize. This must be initialized.


0 on success.


A negative error code on failure.

int mbedtls_sha1_update(mbedtls_sha1_context *ctx, const unsigned char *input, size_t ilen)

This function feeds an input buffer into an ongoing SHA-1 checksum calculation.


SHA-1 is considered a weak message digest and its use constitutes a security risk. We recommend considering stronger message digests instead.

  • ctx – The SHA-1 context. This must be initialized and have a hash operation started.

  • input – The buffer holding the input data. This must be a readable buffer of length ilen Bytes.

  • ilen – The length of the input data input in Bytes.


0 on success.


A negative error code on failure.

int mbedtls_sha1_finish(mbedtls_sha1_context *ctx, unsigned char output[20])

This function finishes the SHA-1 operation, and writes the result to the output buffer.


SHA-1 is considered a weak message digest and its use constitutes a security risk. We recommend considering stronger message digests instead.

  • ctx – The SHA-1 context to use. This must be initialized and have a hash operation started.

  • output – The SHA-1 checksum result. This must be a writable buffer of length 20 Bytes.


0 on success.


A negative error code on failure.

int mbedtls_internal_sha1_process(mbedtls_sha1_context *ctx, const unsigned char data[64])

SHA-1 process data block (internal use only).


SHA-1 is considered a weak message digest and its use constitutes a security risk. We recommend considering stronger message digests instead.

  • ctx – The SHA-1 context to use. This must be initialized.

  • data – The data block being processed. This must be a readable buffer of length 64 Bytes.


0 on success.


A negative error code on failure.

int mbedtls_sha1(const unsigned char *input, size_t ilen, unsigned char output[20])

This function calculates the SHA-1 checksum of a buffer.

            The function allocates the context, performs the
            calculation, and frees the context.

            The SHA-1 result is calculated as
            output = SHA-1(input buffer).


SHA-1 is considered a weak message digest and its use constitutes a security risk. We recommend considering stronger message digests instead.

  • input – The buffer holding the input data. This must be a readable buffer of length ilen Bytes.

  • ilen – The length of the input data input in Bytes.

  • output – The SHA-1 checksum result. This must be a writable buffer of length 20 Bytes.


0 on success.


A negative error code on failure.

int mbedtls_sha1_self_test(int verbose)

The SHA-1 checkup routine.


SHA-1 is considered a weak message digest and its use constitutes a security risk. We recommend considering stronger message digests instead.


0 on success.


1 on failure.