File sha3.h
This file contains SHA-3 definitions and functions.
The Secure Hash Algorithms cryptographic hash functions are defined in FIPS 202: SHA-3 Standard: Permutation-Based Hash and Extendable-Output Functions .
SHA-3 input data was malformed.
enum mbedtls_sha3_id
SHA-3 family id.
It identifies the family (SHA3-256, SHA3-512, etc.)
enumerator MBEDTLS_SHA3_NONE
Operation not defined.
enumerator MBEDTLS_SHA3_224
enumerator MBEDTLS_SHA3_256
enumerator MBEDTLS_SHA3_384
enumerator MBEDTLS_SHA3_512
enumerator MBEDTLS_SHA3_NONE
void mbedtls_sha3_init(mbedtls_sha3_context *ctx)
This function initializes a SHA-3 context.
- Parameters:
ctx – The SHA-3 context to initialize. This must not be
void mbedtls_sha3_free(mbedtls_sha3_context *ctx)
This function clears a SHA-3 context.
- Parameters:
ctx – The SHA-3 context to clear. This may be
, in which case this function returns immediately. If it is notNULL
, it must point to an initialized SHA-3 context.
void mbedtls_sha3_clone(mbedtls_sha3_context *dst, const mbedtls_sha3_context *src)
This function clones the state of a SHA-3 context.
- Parameters:
dst – The destination context. This must be initialized.
src – The context to clone. This must be initialized.
int mbedtls_sha3_starts(mbedtls_sha3_context *ctx, mbedtls_sha3_id id)
This function starts a SHA-3 checksum calculation.
- Parameters:
ctx – The context to use. This must be initialized.
id – The id of the SHA-3 family.
- Returns:
on success.- Returns:
A negative error code on failure.
int mbedtls_sha3_update(mbedtls_sha3_context *ctx, const uint8_t *input, size_t ilen)
This function feeds an input buffer into an ongoing SHA-3 checksum calculation.
- Parameters:
ctx – The SHA-3 context. This must be initialized and have a hash operation started.
input – The buffer holding the data. This must be a readable buffer of length
Bytes.ilen – The length of the input data in Bytes.
- Returns:
on success.- Returns:
A negative error code on failure.
int mbedtls_sha3_finish(mbedtls_sha3_context *ctx, uint8_t *output, size_t olen)
This function finishes the SHA-3 operation, and writes the result to the output buffer.
- Parameters:
ctx – The SHA-3 context. This must be initialized and have a hash operation started.
output – The SHA-3 checksum result. This must be a writable buffer of length
bytes.olen – Defines the length of output buffer (in bytes). For SHA-3 224, SHA-3 256, SHA-3 384 and SHA-3 512
must equal to 28, 32, 48 and 64, respectively.
- Returns:
on success.- Returns:
A negative error code on failure.
int mbedtls_sha3(mbedtls_sha3_id id, const uint8_t *input, size_t ilen, uint8_t *output, size_t olen)
This function calculates the SHA-3 checksum of a buffer.
The function allocates the context, performs the calculation, and frees the context.
The SHA-3 result is calculated as output = SHA-3(id, input buffer, d).
- Parameters:
id – The id of the SHA-3 family.
input – The buffer holding the data. This must be a readable buffer of length
Bytes.ilen – The length of the input data in Bytes.
output – The SHA-3 checksum result. This must be a writable buffer of length
bytes.olen – Defines the length of output buffer (in bytes). For SHA-3 224, SHA-3 256, SHA-3 384 and SHA-3 512
must equal to 28, 32, 48 and 64, respectively.
- Returns:
on success.- Returns:
A negative error code on failure.
int mbedtls_sha3_self_test(int verbose)
Checkup routine for the algorithms implemented by this module: SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512.
- Returns:
0 if successful, or 1 if the test failed.
struct mbedtls_sha3_context
- #include <sha3.h>
The SHA-3 context structure.
The structure is used SHA-3 checksum calculations.